Årets ene ving –
er stemt fram av juryen til en av årets vinger. Motiveringen kommer her:
Luīze Biļinska kom til Sveiva i år og har imponert mange. Ikke bare vinner hun poengligaen i år men hun scorer også flest mål. Hun har god ballteknikk og et meget bra skudd. Hun fører hele laget fremover og er alle treneres drøm.
har svart oss på noen kjappe spørsmål og de kommer her.
1. Hvordan føles det å bli sett på som en av eliteseriens beste spillere?
It’s been an honor to be elected as one of the best players of the Norwegian eliteserien this season, because this is only my first season here and already to get such a title makes me glad and appreciated and of course pushes me forward to get better and better.
2. Hvorfor tror du at du akkurat du ble stemt frem her?
It’s hard to say why the comity has chosen me, but it might be because I’m the top scorer of the eliteserien this season. I definitely have to thank my teammates for my accomplishment.
3. Har du noen tanker om denne sesongen?
My first season in Norway has been filled with many new experiences and events. I hoped for more equally strong teams in eliteserien, bigger competition for the 1.place, but still it was fun to win the first gold medal in Norway.
4. Hva ser du for deg til neste år?
It’s hard to say at this point. There are many things I need to think over before I can make this decision and answer you right now for 100%, but I definitely consider staying in Norway for one more season.
5. Kan du gi noen tips til alle andre der ute som ønsker å bli en bedre innebandyspiller?
I can say that it’s not enough to just train floorball with the team 3 times a week to be the best. It is very important to also train your body extra physically to be stronger and faster than others. One floorball game is 60 minutes long and you have to give 100% out of you during the whole game not only one or two periods. It helps to analyze your own mistakes after games and watch higher level floorball (f.e.SSL). I advise other players to be the judge of yourself, make yourself better and keep going until you achieve your goals!